Friday, November 12, 2004


Smorgasboard Update

Not much has been happening the past couple of days. We're counting the days until the IEP, which will be a big day. Yesterday, I took the kids to have their picture taken for this year's Christmas card but I'm not going to post it until Christmas so you'll have to wait until you receive yours in the mail. It's pretty cute. I've been blazing on my novel and I wrote 3,675 words yesterday to catch up so I'm once again on pace to make the 50,000 deadline. But I'm only a third of the way there so I can't start coasting yet. I'm still getting used to Sarah being back at work and having the kids to myself. It's getting easier to give Alice a bottle, finally. She even took one at 11 this morning, which is the earliest she's taken one so far. Sarah's P's have been helping me out a lot this week to help me with the transition to full-time daytime single parenting. We've got a surprise in store for Porter this afternoon, but I'll wait until tonight to tell you about that. In the meantime, here's a couple of new pix of Alice:

Looking happy in the rocking chair.

More tummy time.

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