Sunday, March 27, 2005


Easter Sunday

For Easter Dinner, we went to my Uncle Jim and Aunt Bernie's house. Jim was my Mom's half-brother and they were very close. In fact, she introduced him to his wife, my Aunt Bernie, who, like my Mom, is a nurse. In addition to them, also present were ten other relatives, significant others and kids. True to form, Porter fell asleep on the way over and was zonked out at least the first hour we were there. He seemed to be getting used to falling asleeo and then waking up in a strange house surrounded by countless strangers. Dinner was quite yummy and it was fun seeing everyone again.

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Porter opens an egg.

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What do I do with this stuff called candy?

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My cousin Sue and George's two sons Willem and Aaron with Alice. Willem is holding Alice and he seemed very taken with her.

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Porter plays with his new trucks that the Easter Bunny brought him (and left at Sue and George's house).

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Aaron, Porter and Willem watch TV in the upstairs bedroom. It was nice to see Porter interact a little with people closer to his own age. Luckily, Willem and Aaron were both very patient (unusual in other kids) with Porter and made him feel at ease, which was great for him.

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